ABB IRB 6700 M2004 150/3.20

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Der Roboter IRB 6700 ist Teil der siebten Generation von ABB-Robotern und bietet mehrere Verbesserungen mit einer steiferen Konstruktion, die eine 20-prozentige Reduzierung der Gesamtbetriebskosten, höhere Genauigkeit, kurze Zykluszeiten, minimale Wartung und optimalen Schutz für den Einsatz in widrigen Umgebungen ermöglicht erhältlich in Foundry Plus 2 und einer Tragfähigkeit von 150 bis 300 Kilogramm, für hohe Leistung und mehr Effizienz. Diese Generation bringt 10 vielseitige Modelle. Ausgestattet mit dem IRC5 Controller.

 Main specifications

Robot version IRB 6700- 200/2.60 IRB 6700- 155/2.85 IRB 6700- 235/2.65 IRB 6700- 205/2.80 IRB 6700- 175/3.05 IRB 6700- 150/3.20 IRB 6700- 300/2.70 IRB 6700- 245/3.00 IRB 6700 Inv-300/2.60 IRB 6700 Inv-245/2.90
Maximum Load of Robot 200  kg 155 kg 235 kg 205 kg 175 kg 150 kg 300 kg 245 kg 300 kg 245 kg
Maximum reach 2600 mm 2850 mm 2650 mm 2800 mm 3050 mm 3200 mm 2700 mm 3000 mm 2600 mm 2900 mm
Number of axis 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Position repeatability RP 0.10 mm 0.10 mm 0.10 mm 0.10 mm 0.10 mm 0.10 mm 

0.10 mm

0.10 mm  0.10 mm 0.10 mm
Path repeatability RT 0.06 mm 0.12 mm 0.08 mm 0.12 mm    0.08 mm 0.12 mm 0.14 mm 0.07 mm 0.22 mm 0.10 mm
Controller IRC5 Single cabinet, IRC 5 Panel mounted controller IRC5 Single cabinet, IRC 5 Panel mounted controller IRC5 Single cabinet, IRC 5 Panel mounted controller IRC5 Single cabinet, IRC 5 Panel mounted controller IRC5 Single cabinet, IRC 5 Panel mounted controller IRC5 Single cabinet, IRC 5 Panel mounted controller IRC5 Single cabinet, IRC 5 Panel mounted controller IRC5 Single cabinet, IRC 5 Panel mounted controller IRC5 Single cabinet, IRC 5 Panel mounted controller IRC5 Single cabinet, IRC 5 Panel mounted controller

Range of motion

Robot version IRB 6700- 200/2.60 IRB 6700- 155/2.85 IRB 6700- 235/2.65 IRB 6700- 205/2.80 IRB 6700- 175/3.05 IRB 6700- 150/3.20 IRB 6700- 300/2.70 IRB 6700- 245/3.00 IRB 6700 Inv-300/2.60 IRB 6700 Inv-245/2.90
Axis 1 +170° to -170° +170° to -170° +170° to -170° +170° to -170° +170° to -170° +170° to -170° +170° to -170° +170° to -170° +170° to -170° +170° to -170°
Axis 2 +85° to -65° +85° to -65° +85° to -65° +85° to -65° +85° to -65° +85° to -65° +85° to -65° +85° to -65° +85° to -65° +85° to -65°
Axis 3 +70° tp -180° +70° tp -180° +70° tp -180° +70° tp -180° +70° tp -180° +70° tp -180° +70° tp -180° +70° tp -180° +70° tp -180° +70° tp -180°
Axis 4 +300 to -300° +300 to -300° +300 to -300° +300 to -300° +300 to -300° +300 to -300° +300 to -300° +300 to -300° +300 to -300° +300 to -300°
Axis 5 +130 to -130° +130 to -130° +130 to -130° +130 to -130° +130 to -130° +130 to -130° +130 to -130° +130 to -130° +130 to -130° +130 to -130°
Axis 6 +360 to -360° +360 to -360° +360 to -360° +360 to -360° +360 to -360° +360 to -360° +360 to -360° +360 to -360° +360 to -360° +360 to -360°

 Robot motion speed

Robot version IRB 6700- 200/2.60 IRB 6700- 155/2.85 IRB 6700- 235/2.65 IRB 6700- 205/2.80 IRB 6700- 175/3.05 IRB 6700- 150/3.20 IRB 6700- 300/2.70 IRB 6700- 245/3.00 IRB 6700 Inv-300/2.60 IRB 6700 Inv-245/2.90
Axis 1 110°/s 110°/s 100°/s 100°/s 100°/s 100°/s 100°/s 100°/s 100°/s 100°/s
Axis 2 110°/s 110°/s 90°/s 90°/s 90°/s 90°/s 88°/s 88°/s 88°/s 88°/s
Axis 3 110°/s 110°/s 90°/s 90°/s 90°/s 90°/s 90°/s 90°/s 90°/s 90°/s
Axis 4 190°/s 190°/s 170°/s 170°/s 170°/s 170°/s 140°/s 140°/s 140°/s 140°/s
Axis 5 150°/s 150°/s 120°/s 120°/s 120°/s 120°/s 110°/s 110°/s 110°/s 110°/s
Axis 6 210°/s 210°/s 190°/s 190°/s 190°/s 190°/s 180°/s 180°/s 180°/s 180°/s

Robot Applications

Material handling

Spot welding


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