KUKA Pezzi di ricambio
- KUKA Sunrise Serie
- IISY cobot Serie
- KR C5 Serie
- KR C4 Serie
- KRC2 Ed05 Serie
- KR C2 Serie
- KR C1 Serie
- KR C32 Serie
KUKA Sunrise Serie
IISY cobot Serie
KR C5 Serie
KR C4 Serie

kuka zh210/240 an 00181359
Kuka wrist for Kuka KR 210 KR240 quantum pro 6 axis industrial robots

siemens CP1616 kuka 00-146-124
Siemens Profinet scheda di comunicazione per il collegamento con PLC controlla da installare in KRC2 ED05 e Kuka KRC4

kuka kpp 600-20 Artikel Nr. 00160150

Kuka ksp 600-3x40 artikel-nr. 00160154

Power Pack KPP 600-20 Artikel Nr. 00160150
The KUKA Power Pack (KPP) for the KRC4 robot controller is the drive power supply and generates a rectified intermediate circuit voltage from an AC power supply. This intermediate circuit voltage is used to supply the internal drive controllers and external drives.

ksp 600-3x40 Artikel Nr. 0016154
KRC2 Ed05 Serie

KPS-600/20-esc art. nr. 00-186-846
The KUKA Power Supply (KPS) is an intermediate circuit power supply that provides all the functions required by a robot controller that are not covered by the axis servo.

KUKA KRC2ED05 KCP2 Shared Pendant KR C2 ed05, with 20 m cable, ART NO:00-132-342

KUKA KRC2ED05 KCP2 Shared Pendant KR C2 ed05, with 10 m cable, ART NO:00-132-341

KUKA KRC2ED05 KPC2004 HDD, form factor 2.5 inch, height 9 mm, ART NO: 00-128-509

KUKA KRC2ED05 KPC2004 HDD (Fujitsu MHT2030AR), shock-protected design, assembly, PART NO: 00-128-506

KUKA KRC2ED05 MFC2 with DSE Interbus C33 (replacement part), ART NO: 00-123-879

KUKA KRC2ED05 Blanking plate for KPS and energy recovery unit, ART NO:00-122-354

KSD1-48 part 117344
Servoamplifier KSD1-48 for Kuka KRC2 and KRC2 Ed05 cabinets

kps 600/20-ESC UL part 111593
Amplifier / Rectificator for KRC2 control cabinet

KUKA KRC2ED05 Transformer installation kit, underside, EU 8 kVA 208 V, ART NO:00-122-255

KUKA KRC2ED05 Transformer installation kit, underside, EU 13 kVA, ART NO:00-112-091

KUKA KRC2ED05 Isolating transformer 7.3/8kVA380/400/440-400/230, ART NO:00-111-256

KUKA KRC2ED05 Isolating transformer 11/13kVA 380/400/440-400/230, ART NO: 00-111-255

KUKA KRC2ED05 for 1 motor EA7 for SBM2 DC 2005 incl. 2 IC cables, ART NO:00-134-319

KUKA KRC2ED05 for 1 Motor EA7 + EA8 for SBM2 incl. 2 IC cables, ART NO:00-129-759

KUKA KRC2ED05 for 1 motor EA7 for SBM2 DC 2005 incl. 2 IC cables, ART NO:00-134-320

KUKA KRC2ED05 Isolating transformer 11/13kVA 360/380/400-400+230, ART NO:00-116-673

KUKA KRC2ED05 Isolating transformer 11/13kVA 500V/400V / 230V, ART NO:00-118-856

KUKA KRC2ED05 Transformer installation kit, underside, EU 8 kVA, ART NO:00-112-069
KR C2 Serie

KUKA KR 150/180/210 Series 2000 Working Range Monitoring Axis 2/Axis 3, A. Nr: 00-113-223

KUKA KR 150/180/210 Series 2000 Working Range Monitoring Axis 2/Axis 3, A. Nr: 00-110-569

KUKA KR 150/180/210 Series 2000 Working Range Monitoring Axis 2, A. Nr: 00-113-230

KUKA KR 150/180/210 Series 2000 Working Range Monitoring Axis 1, A. Nr: 00-111-955

KUKA KR 150/180/210 Series 2000 Working Range Monitoring Axis 1, A. Nr: 00-111-951

KUKA KR 150/180/210 Series 2000 Working Range Monitoring Axis 1, A. Nr: 00-112-929

KUKA KR 150/180/210 Series 2000 Working Range Monitoring Axis 2, A. Nr: 00-113-229

KUKA KR C2 Siemens Simatic DP, IM 182-1 PC Slave Board for Profibus DP, A.Nr: 6ES7182-0AA01-0XA0/A00

KUKA KR 125/150/200-2 & KR 150/180/210 Series 2000 Graessner DynaGear D140 12,5:1 1L A05

Safety-bus gateway 2 part 113032
Safetyboard for Kuka KRC2 cabinets with E60 gateway option

FB Interbus PCI LWL part 115115
Interbus fiber optic master-slave interface PCI board for KRC2 and KRC2 Ed05 cabinets

GWA C an 00105361 counterbalance system
Spring counterbalance system for Kuka -2 S2000 6 axis industrial robots mounted onto the ceiling

gwa 180-210 A. Nr. 00-109-363
Spring counterbalance system for the Kuka following Kuka S2000 6 axis industrial robots: KR180 and KR210

pma53v-y15da-74 A. Nr. 00-104-698
Kuka AC-Servomotor A. Nr. 00-104-698 for the following models and axis: KR150-180-210 S2000 and axis 4-5 and 6. Power: 3.6 kw

1fk6081-6az91-1zz9-z s40 art. Nr. 00-104-695
Servomotor 2,36 kw power for axis 4,5 and 6 of the Kuka S2000 6 axis industrial robots type: KR150-180-210-240

kuka 1kf6101-8af91-1zz9 s44
Servomotor 4,87kw power for axis 1,2 and 3 of the Kuka S2000 6 axis industrial robots type: KR150-180-210

Kuka counterballancing system 00-108-071
Counterballancing system, Floor (Art.No. 00-108-071) for the models KR360/1 KR360/2 KR500/1 KR500/2

Counterballancing system Art.No. 00-107-704
Counterballancing system, Ceiling (Art.No. 00-107-704) for the following models: KR360-1/2 and KR500-1/2

Mainboard SY-7VBA 133 part 114973
Motherboard Soyo 733MHz celeron processor for KRC2 Kuka PCs

Counterbalance spring for the Kuka KR210 KR180 and KR150 k -2k S2000 industrial robots, shelf mounting

KUKA KRC2 Retrofit kit for counterbalancing system up to 210 KG ART NO:00--109--365

KUKA KRC2 Counterbalancing system, adaptable to 180 KG Floor, ART NO:00--106--222

KUKA KRC2 Counterbalancing system, adaptable to 210 KG Floor, ART NO:00--109--363

1fk6101-8af91-1zz9-z s44
Servomotor axis 2 for Kuka KR210-2k shelf S2000 Art. Nr. 0000104897

1fk6101-8az91-1zz9-z s43
Servomotor axis 1 for Kuka KR210-2k shelf S2000 Art. Nr. 0000104897

1fk7101-5az91-1zz9-z s07
Servomotor axis 2 and 3 for Kuka KR210-2 S2000 Art. Nr. 0000119767

1fk7081-5az91-1zz9-z r04
Servomotor axis 5-6 for Kuka KR150-2 S2000 Art. Nr. 0000115925

1fk7081-5az91-1zz9-z s04
Servomotor axis 4 for Kuka KR150-2 S2000 Art. Nr. 0000115925

1fk7100-5az91-1zz9-z s05
Servomotor axis 3 for Kuka KR150-2 S2000 Art. Nr. 0000117606

1fk7101-5az91-1zz9-z s06
Servomotor axis 2 for Kuka KR150-2 S2000 Art. Nr. 0000119766

1FK7100-5AZ1-1ZZ9-Z S05
Servomotor axis 1 for Kuka KR150-2 S2000 Art. Nr. 0000117606

Cable W42018, IBS connection A1-A6 (connection cable set between KSD modules) Art. No:00-106-848
KR C1 Serie

AC servomotor KK65Y-YYYY-016 A. Nr: 69-225-468
6.6 kw Servomotor for Kuka industrial robots, 16.1 A and 3000 rpm

kuka kcp kr c1 teach pendant 69-000-398
Tastiera die programazione per control Kuka KRC1

kuka 00-103-118 EVS9328
Kuka servodrive for axis 1-2-3 of KRC1A controller, suitable for the following models: Kuka Kr360 - KR60P - KR100P

kuka 00-103-117 EVS9326
Kuka drive for axis 4-5-6 suitable for the following Kuka 6 axis robots equipped with KRC1A controller: KR350 - KR100P - KR60P

KUKA KRC1 teach pendant ART No: 00-105-201
Used Kuka KRC1 Teach Pendant, part number: 00-105-201

kuka kk65y-yyyy-016 a. nr. 69-225-468
Kuka Servomotor Axis1,2 for the following 6 axis industrial robots with KRC1 controller: KR60-2P, KR100-2P, KR350-1 and KR350-2

Gear Grundachsantrieb Typ A0 art. 05-462-647
Gear - Grundachsantrieb, Typ A0, 600 V for axis 1 and 2 of the KR100PA and KR160PA Kuka industrial robots, 5 axis

pm1-600-16 anr 00103496
7th axis servocontrolled power module for Kuka KRC1 control systems

pm2-600/25/16 power module
Powermodul für 2 Zusäztiche Achse, geeignet für Kuka Roboter ausgesttatet mit KRC1 Steuerungen

KUKA KR350/KR60P/KR100P Lenze Variable Frequency Drive A.Nr: 00-103-117, EVS 9326

KUKA KR C1 Siemens Simatic DP, IM 182-1 PC Slave Board for Profibus DP, A.Nr: 6ES7182-0AA01-0XA0/A00